Daily Diary: July 26, 2013

What a boring day! I didn't do much besides laundry and grocery shopping. I'm missing my dad more than usual today too. I hope he's doing well all the way out in South Carolina by himself. On the bright side, I'm 4 days strong on my diet! My cravings are starting to die off. IContinue reading "Daily Diary: July 26, 2013"

Daily Diary: July 24, 2013

What a successful day! My sleeping troubles are gone and I exercised! I didn't exactly go to the gym but I did swim laps in my pool for a good hour and a half with my sister and got a nice tan finally. I feel great! I feel lighter and healthier already! Tomorrow I planContinue reading "Daily Diary: July 24, 2013"

Daily Diary: July 23, 2013

I started my diet today. It was a successful day 1! Hopefully I'll be in shape by the time that wedding I have to attend rolls around. It felt so good to eat clean again. I didn't have time to go to the gym today so I need to make sure I go tomorrow morning.Continue reading "Daily Diary: July 23, 2013"

Late Night Thoughts: Feeling Forgotten

I once thought I wanted us to be more than friends, but I was way too young to know what relationships were. But I do know we were once best friends and practically inseparable. Let's call this best friend Joe. Joe is...eh, how do I describe him? He's sarcastic, judgmental, hilarious, smart, caring, thoughtful andContinue reading "Late Night Thoughts: Feeling Forgotten"

“Memory is a diary we all carry about us.”

Looking back on my childhood, I can't seem to remember much. All I remember are all the arguments between my parents. It's always the worst memories that stick with us, while the nice ones slip right through our fingers. I wish I did remember all the fun times, like when my dad took the wholeContinue reading "“Memory is a diary we all carry about us.”"

DIY: Inexpensive Ribbon Bulletin Board

I love DIYs, especially when it doesn't cost much money! This ribbon bulletin board is super cute and will make any blank space on your wall instantly chic! I use my board to keep important pieces of memory, important school notes, receipts, etc. I even keep a periodic table for reference when I'm doing chemistryContinue reading "DIY: Inexpensive Ribbon Bulletin Board"